Monday, March 7, 2011

Mother-Daughter Talk

This is just a short little shout out/praise, I guess.

This weekend, I had a really, really tough conversation with my mom with lots of tears and all that emotional stuff.  Even though I still get choked up when I think about why we had to have the conversation, I know that it has brought us closer so that now we understand each other better and understand how much we love and need each other - and I thank God for that.

<My Mommy3

<3 Warrior

1 comment:

  1. its going very well :D except for the posting every day, I've been busy with schoolwork and Orlando practice and getting ready to go and such. otherwise, im trying to catch myself on saying oh my God. it's working fairly well, but im running out of ideas to replace it. i have goodness gracious which was my replacement at camp a couple years ago where it was my whole cabins goal to stop saying it. any replacement ideas?
