Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'm Mulch

I go to a Bible Study on Thursday mornings before school at 6am (aka, the crack of dawn) with Mollie and my girls.  These past 12-ish weeks, we've been reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan.  In the final chapter, he compares Christians to manure.  When you spread it out, it can help everything flourish and grow, but in one pile, all it can do is stink the place up and go to waste.  It's a great analogy, but extremely gross, too.

Today, I spent four hours hauling mulch for a youth fundraiser (and let me tell you, it doesn't smell any better than manure).  On the way home I realized something.  I'm a bag of mulch.  You see, if the mulch stays in the bag on the driveway, it will never do any good.  But if you spread it out in your yard, not only will it make your yard look good, but the flowers and trees will be healthier, too.

It's the same way with Christians, and more specifically, me.  The biggest thing I got from Crazy Love was that I live in a bubble and enjoy it, too.  I don't like going out of my comfort zone and changing my friends' perception of me.  I would rather them just KNOW that I am 100% devoted to Christ instead of me having to show it all the time.  I think I love the world too much, and I'm comfortable in my bag on the driveway so much that I don't want to be spread out and open to the elements.  I need to trust in Him more and let Him slice upen my bag and spread me out to every person and place that doesn't have the joy and love of Christ with them.

Are you a bag of mulch, content to sit in the driveway with all the other bags of mulch?  Or are you willing to be spread out and open to the elements?  God calls us to go and make disciples of all nations, and we can't really do that from our driveways, can we?  Look for chances this week to spread your mulch!

<3 Warrior

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