Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Singing in the Lunchroom: My New Favorite Hobby

So today was my good friend's birthday.  And of course, to embarass her, I got a bunch of band kids to sing happy birthday to her in the lunchroom.  So we were singing... and everything was quiet except us... and all of a sudden EVERYONE STOPS SINGING BUT ME.

Talk about a *screams bloody murder on the inside* moment.  I was terrified.  Because not only was I singing loudly in the middle of a high school lunch room, but it was also the part in the happy birthday song that I usually purposely start singing horribly just because I can't sing that high and on pitch.  But I didn't sing it badly this time.  I sung it horribly off-key, loudly, and ALONE.

But hey, I realized something in this awkward experience.  I realized it didn't phase me as much as I thought.  Sure I sounded terrible (as I usually do, I'm not that great of a singer), and sure I was the only thing anyone could hear, but it made me think.  If I can stand in the middle of a lunch room in front of a quarter of the lower classmen at my school, then why in the world can't I get the courage to talk to a single one of them about God?

I'd like to believe that it isn't because I'm ashamed of being a Christian.  I think it's more of that I can't be assertive when it comes to talking about God because I don't have all the answers to the questions they ask me, I still have days when I feel like walking away from God and ignoring Him, and I have sooo many doubts about what I believe in. 

Pretty much I need to work on throwing my worries into the wind, putting all my trust in Him, letting Him boost my confidence, and opening my mouth to speak.  He'll put the words in my mouth, I have no doubt about that.

So maybe tomorrow I'll sing some God-Music at the top of my lungs during lunch.  (:  What about you?

<3 Warrior


  1. I can't wait to hear what you're going to sing tomorrow!!

  2. yes! but, it is in fact saturday tomorrow. craft fair maybe? ill sing with you this time. and i stopped singing cuz i couldn't control my laughter and was laughing to hard to breathe... good times with the band kids, eh?
