Saturday, August 28, 2010

You Are Beautiful (no matter what they sayyyy...)

Okay so a good friend of mine sent me a word document full of quotes the other day and one really stood out.

"If you made a gift for your best friend, then gave it to her and her reply was, 'Ew this is so ugly,' you would be killed inside, right?  After all that hard work, and time spent on it, she hates it.  Imagine how God feels when you call yourself ugly."

Isn't that... just... EPIC?  I had never thought about it that way.  I mean, I knew I was made in God's image, but I had never thought that when I was calling myself fat and ugly (as I do very often), I was offending God.

While flipping through one of Paul's letters today, I noticed that he was quoting a ton of Old Testament verses.  One of them was talking about beauty, so I looked up the original verse in Psalms.  The verse was Psalms 45:11 and it reads, "The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord."

OMIGOLDFISH GOD THINKS I'M PRETTY!!!  Ahahaha, isn't that cool?  It reminds me of how my Daddy always answers the phone when I call by saying, "Mi hija bonita quien yo amo muchisimo muchisimo muchisimo" meaning, "my beautiful daughter who I love so much so much so much."

God loves you.  He made you.  God is incapable of screwing up.  Everything He makes and has made is beautiful.  YOU are beautiful.

Never forget that :D

<3 Warrior


  1. Warrior, This so helped me because I call myself fat and ugly sometimes. I knew that it wasn't right so I prayed about it (and still do every night). But sometimes I find it hard not to think negativity about yourself. We are Gods creation and everything about us is beautiful, even if we don't always think so. I am so happy you wrote about this because I have been feeling blue about how I look. This really helped. Love you Warrior! <3

  2. While I was on vacation in Florida, we (my family and I) stayed in my grandmother's house. On her bathroom mirror, she had a stickynote that read, "Today I reach a new level of accepting myself exactly as I am. Everything about me is blessed. Everything." :D

    <3 Warrior
