Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy Anniversary, This Is My Rifle!

Yep, that's right.  One year ago on this very day, I wrote my first blog post ever.  It's been an exciting year since then.  Let's recap:

I got over losing my faith and have found many ways to strengthen it since then.

I have made several new friends that are supporting me daily in my faith and are praying for me constantly.

I had the best school year EVER.

I lost a good friend for my faith but have gained a stronger friendship with my Lord in return.

I was in a musical that made me realize that in all things, I must find and do the Will of God.

I have had several epiphanies about who God is and what it means to follow Him.

I have officially given up dating and have begun "dating Jesus."

I have read SO MANY good books that have made me think about what it means to be labeled "Christian."

I spent a week fasting from the computer and it was probably in my top 10 best weeks ever.

My family sent my brother off to college and are welcoming a baby boy into our lives come January.

I have blogged to the glory of God!

Here's to a great year!  Thank you Jesus!

<3 Warrior

P.S.  Happy 30th birthday, Jon!